Character and Archetype

Character and archetype.

An archetype is a perfect form of a specimen, it’s the original of it's kind and everything that is similar to it is a clone as such. An example of a traditional archetype would be 'The Byronic hero'. "The Byronic hero is a traditional Romantic hero, they tend to be defined by their rejection or questioning of standard social conventions and norms of behavior, their alienation from larger society, their focus on the self as the center of existence, and their ability to inspire others to commit acts of good and kindness." [1]
A well-known Byronic hero would be Robin Hood. He is a low class citizen that comes up with many schemes in order to help the poor, these are shown through 1973 Disney classic of Robin Hood. There are many characters and archetypes shown throughout this movie, Robin Hood is the Hero, Little John is the helper, Prince John and Sir Hiss are both villains throughout this historic tale. It is clear that Robin Hood is an archetype in this film due to the fact that he carries many of the conventions associated with an archetype character. Such as him helping the poor civilians of Sherwood Forest by outwitting the king on multiple adventures with his trusty side-kick Little John, the reason he decides to help the poor is because the King has increased the price of tax and all of the citizens of Sherwood Forest can not afford it. Due to this manner of behavior that Robin Hood has undertaken he has been categorized as an outlaw and rejected from the society in which it is set as he is not abiding by the Kings orders. As Robin Hood is being shown helping the poor this allows the audience to fall in love with him as it is an act of good will on his part and not abiding by the wrong doing of the King. 

The King within Robin Hood is seen as the typical villain of the story as he mistreats the citizens of Sherwood forest through multiple events that happen throughout the story. Events such as stealing from the towns church, increasing taxes to such an extent that the citizens can not afford to pay them, if they do not pay the taxes then they are sent to the town jail. He also sends a search party out for the beloved character Robin Hood. The reason he does this is because Robin has gone against what has been ordered,the king increased taxes in order to make himself more wealthy yet Robin Hood steals the
tax money back in order to return to the poor what they have lost. This leads the viewer to take a dislike to the King through his wrong doings and selfi sh behaviour.

This is my version of a hero, it’s a very simplistic design of a little boy who has the powers to fly and uses them to fight evil and prevent the city that he lives in from any harm. The use of a smiley face on the character makes the viewer think tat they are a good person that is why I have accompanied mine with a smile.,. 'Byronic Hero: Definition, Characteristics & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.Com'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.

Hood, Robin et al. 'Robin Hood (1973)'. IMDb. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.

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