Graphic Symbolism and Visual Coding

Graphic symbolism and visual coding.

Graphic symbols are used in almost every comic book ever made, they are used to put more enthusiasm into movements and speech, it allows the reader or viewer to have a greater understanding of what is being shown in that scene, for example 'BOOM' or 'CRASH' will be in a large speech bubble and in capitals to show the extent of the boom that has just happened, this will most commonly been shown during a fighting scene between two or more 

A good example of graphic symbolism and visual coding is in the Marvel comics, Stan Lee, co-launcher of the marvel series created such beloved characters as Spider-man, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, working with illustrators as Steve Ditko, Humberto Ramos and Dave Marquez. Marvel have produced hundreds of very action packed comic strips and these forms of communication are a great way to entice the reader into the fighting scenes. This is a strip from the 'Amazing Spider-Man' comic book. In the bottom right had corner of the picture it shows Spider-man during a fighting scene, the word 'BROOOM!' placed across the fight scene, this is used to draw the reader in and make sure that their attention is grabbed and that they understand that this is a vital fight. Also the size and colour of the text shows that it was a large sound created by the action. The placement of the text is very well considered as it shows which way the action has taken place from, as the text is on the top left of the drawing you can guess that that is where the characters have been fighting previously.

Another way graphic symbolism is used is shown throughout Manga. Manga is a Japanese style of comic or graphic novel, aimed at both adults and children. The general style is that they work from the back of the book to the front, so its like reading backwards as such. Graphic Symbolism is not used in exactly the same was as Marvel uses is, its more subtle.

This is a scene from a manga comic book, Graphic Symbolism has been used twice in this scene, you can gather that the character on the right of the picture is angry as the speech bubble is very sharp and jagged, this is to suggest that she has been aggravated by a customer that is in her shop. You can also gather that she is angry as her speech is in larger capital letters that the other characters speech in this scene.

Graphic Symbolism and visual coding can be used in very diverse ways, its more commonly used to accompany an action scene to show how loud a collision was etc. It is also used to show the anger of a character.,. '10 Greatest SPIDER-MAN Artists Of All Time'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.,. 'Spider-Man | Comics | Marvel.Com'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.

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